The FE and Skills Content Team are running some introductory webinars on our Vocational Learning Resources.
During the webinars, we will give a demonstration of our resources, look at what areas they cover, how they can be used and what teaching practitioner support is available.
Each webinar will be around 30 minutes in total with an optional Q&A section at the end.
Who should attend?
These webinars are aimed at teaching practitioners specialising in the subject areas covered by our Vocational Learning Resources (e.g. Construction, Digital and IT, Education and Childcare, Hairdressing and Health and Social Care).
When are the webinars taking place?
Each webinar will cover the same content but will be repeated at different times over the week so you can select a date and time that suits you.
The schedule is as follows:
- Monday 1st February: 3pm
- Tuesday 2nd February: 1pm
- Wednesday 3rd February: 10am
- Thursday 4th February: 4pm
- Friday 5th February: 11am
Joining instructions
Please note that no registration is required for these events. Please select the date and time that is best for you and click on the relevant meeting information.
The webinars will be taking place on Zoom so please ensure that this is set up beforehand.
Monday 1st February (3pm)
Link: https://jisc.zoom.us/j/95985119174?pwd=cDZiUmtYVklYV0NuanR0emZaQkUzZz09
Meeting ID: 959 8511 9174
Passcode: 134991
Tuesday 2nd February (1pm)
Link: https://jisc.zoom.us/j/99974044247?pwd=R0ovcEFaMzdaRmFJQzdjYlRobkhSdz09
Meeting ID: 999 7404 4247
Passcode: 575572
Wednesday 3rd February (10am)
Link: https://jisc.zoom.us/j/92250185833?pwd=VWk0MUxkT280U2FIa011TFNadGlnUT09
Meeting ID: 922 5018 5833
Passcode: 465923
Thursday 4th February (4pm)
Link: https://jisc.zoom.us/j/96283816668?pwd=djBjck1tT0lITlkxUVZQMWxHWW1RUT09
Meeting ID: 962 8381 6668
Passcode: 854925
Friday 5th February (11am)
Link: https://jisc.zoom.us/j/94275924778?pwd=bVJGakxSaTVyZ3pYN3JLazg4MGNNUT09
Meeting ID: 942 7592 4778
Passcode: 356901
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact us on content.feandskills@jisc.ac.uk