e-books for FE promotional material

Promoting e-books for FE has never been easier with our new range of promotional materials. Below you will find links to downloadable zip files, PowerPoint files, PDFs and Word documents. To get you started, you can download a guide on how to use the promotional materials available further down this page. The print assets have been […]

Case studies (2017) – e-books for FE and Jisc resources

The following case studies were carried out in 2017 and first published in December 2018. They are no longer available on the original Jisc FE & Skills web site, but are still of interest: they provide first-hand accounts of the value of e-books and other Jisc subscription resources to FE college library staff, students, teachers, […]

e-books for FE September 2023 newsletter

Welcome to the September 2023 issue of our e-books for FE newsletter.  Our new e-book titles went live on Ebook Central on 1st September, so please promote the new content to teaching staff. The Excel file with full collection details is available here. If this link doesn’t work for you in Chrome, copy and paste […]


e-books for FE collection 2023-2024

Full details of the e-books for FE collection are now confirmed for 2023-2024, and you can download the Excel file. The new titles for 2023 are those with collection number 14 in column J. Please circulate to teaching staff to highlight what may be of interest: subject terms are in column I, so this can […]

e-books for FE August 2023 newsletter

Welcome to the August 2023 issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. If you’re reading this it means you’re no longer on holiday – but time and tide wait for no librarian and a new term beckons! We look forward to communicating and collaborating with you all again in 2023-2024. Quarterly statistics, May-July 2023 The […]

e-books for FE July 2023 newsletter

Welcome to the July 2023 issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. Quarterly statistics, Feb-April 2023 The statistics for Q3 (Feb-April 2023) are now available for download as an Excel file on the e-books support site here: https://support.ebooksforfe.jisc.ac.uk/index.php/librarian-support/quarterly-reports/ The top 20 users for the quarter are as follows: Rank Organisation User sessions 1 Brighton Hove […]

e-books for FE June 2023 newsletter

Welcome to the June 2023 issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. It’s a slow news month before the well-earned summer holidays, so a brief update only before the ever-crucial usage tables: e-book purchasing round 2023 The contracts for new titles are now in the process of being checked and signed, so we are hoping […]

e-books for FE May 2023 newsletter

Welcome to the May 2023 issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. e-book support site Due to web-platform policy changes at Jisc, the current e-books for FE support site is due to be decommissioned on 1 July 2023. Alternative platforms are being considered, and we will let you know when there is further information. In […]

e-books for FE April 2023 newsletter

Welcome to the April 2023 issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. We hope you are enjoying a well-earned break in the next few weeks! e-books purchasing round 2023 We have received a total of 1,039 new e-book titles for consideration this year, comprising as follows: A/AS Level – 462 titles Vocational – 441 titles […]

e-books for FE March 2023 newsletter

Welcome to the March 2023 issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. The sun has got its hat on, but it’s a woolly hat. New e-book available in the collection Following a delay in publication, the following e-book is now available to e-book subscribers on Ebook Central: WJEC/Eduqas Media Studies For A Level Year 1 […]