ProQuest are offering one-hour Webex webinars on LibCentral and Ebook Central for Jisc FE & Skills members. These are overview sessions, intended as an introduction for those of you who are new to these interfaces, or as a refresher for those of you who are already familiar with them. The sessions will be repeated on […]

Welcome to the September issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. August was an exceptionally difficult time for school leavers, and the academic year ahead will look like no other. Here at Jisc we are committed to supporting library services, teaching staff and students in the altered learning environment, and to learn from members how […]

Welcome to the August issue of our Vocational Learning Resources newsletter. We hope you’ve had a relaxing summer break and that you are looking forward to starting the new term. With the current issues surrounding exam results and the sudden regrading of BTec results, this has certainly been a challenging month for FE institutions in […]

Welcome to the August issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. We hope your summer vacations and staycations have provided some relaxation before the start of the new term, at a time when travel and social interactions are still liable to sudden disruption and continuing uncertainty. Win a £30 National Book Token The monthly […]

Welcome to the July issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. New titles for September 2020 The list of new titles for September 2020 was distributed to this email list on 18 June. There are 83 titles in the list: 58 brand new titles, and 25 renewals of titles that were due to expire on […]
The full list of new e-book titles for September (Collection 11) was announced on 18 June. There are 83 titles in total, with 25 of those being renewals of current subscriptions and 58 brand new. The list is available as an Excel file: e-books for FE collection 11 An overview of the selection and purchasing process […]

Welcome to the June issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. Please find the content for the newsletter below and we will be updating this to the Jisc blog site shortly. As we are now starting to slowly emerge from lockdown, our focus is still on how we can best support our FE members and […]

Welcome to the May issue of our e-books for FE newsletter. We’re sure you are now settled into the rhythms of working from home and supporting your learners from a distance. Over the last few weeks, since schools and colleges have been closed, everyone has been relying on their VLEs to ensure students are getting the best […]
e-books for FE April clinic
Our e-books for FE monthly clinic took place on Wednesday 29th April 2020. Here you can find all materials from the session: Watch the recording Download the presentation Download the transcript e-books for FE clinic chat – 29th April List of workbooks available through e-books for FE
Introducing Virtual Library
Hello, Jisc Members. For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Pippin and I’m the Graduate Digital Librarian for FE here at Jisc. For the past few months, I’ve been working on Virtual Library. Virtual Library is a new service that allows you to find all of Jisc’s resources for FE, and […]